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Insight Loops

How to analyze in IB courses

Are you ever confused about what we mean by "analysis" in IB courses? Insight loops are an efficient way to develop relevant insights, while also showing course knowledge, so you can develop as many points as you can. Insight loops are an alternative to the PEAL, PEEL and PETAL structures which you may have heard about before. In my opinion Insight Loops work better, partly due to how quickly you can complete them (and get to your next point).

How insight loops work

In short, the idea is that you take a piece of evidence and then link it to a key word (or a concept, model, literary device, framework, diagram, or idea) from the course. You can think of this as just labelling the evidence, showing us what we call this in this IB subject. I like to say "Every course is a language course." We always want to see that you're able to use the words we've taught you in the course and then that you're able to use those terms (and the concepts they relate to) develop an idea or insight. 

Then, you develop the idea further, making it clear how this labelling that you just did helps us answer the question in some way.


In your English IO, the evidence could be words in your excerpt, "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun", which you label, and develop an insight around. This use of metaphor (Keyword) conveys that Juliet is lighting up the window, the way the sun brightens up the sky. Clarify what this conveys about your Global Issue (Sentence 2). Here you can do another loop with the same excerpt. It's also a use of dramatic irony (Keyword) because Romeo is also blinded by his love, which the audience knows and Romeo doesn't. Then again you can link it to your Global Issue in sentence 2.

In a Global Politics Paper 2 question, it could be an example you mention i.e Saudi Arabia's increasing investments in sports leagues which you then label as a use of smart power. And then you link this point to the question (Sentence 2), so it's absolutely clear why this was worth mentioning (which will depend on the wording of the question you're answering. For example, "These kind of sportswashing investments can be a use of smart power, growing their economy and helping them improve their reputation abroad."

And topic sentences

When you're using these to write an essay, also make sure to include a topic sentence to let us know what the paragraph will be about and therefore what all of your insight loops will link to (while also linking to the question). Choosing the right topic sentences can be tricky, but we can talk through some strategies for that in tutoring if you'd like. 


Tim is available for private tutoring, almost every day, to support you in mastering all of your IB assessments. He's a fully IB-trained teacher, marker and IB teacher-trainer with over 20 years of teaching experience. 🚀 Click here to meet with Tim on Zoom and talk through your work. 🚀

Tim helps students with IB Business Management, IB Global Politics, IB Economics, IB History, IB English (i.e. English IOs and Paper 1 preparation) as well as your College Admissions essays.